
Edit And Share A Patient Profile

  • Last Published Date: July 14, 2021

Editing a Patient Profile

Select a patient from My Patients tab to display a list of all recordings associated with the patient. From the selected patient, you can:

1. View and edit their general information (except for the email address).
2. View and play back the patient samples from the list (only if samples have been assigned to the patient)
3. Create a new sample for this patient.
4. Share the patient file with a fellow colleague.
5. Delete the patient profile.  


Sharing a Patient Profile

Sharing patient profiles and patient data across the Stethee Pro Application requires all users to have a registered account.
To share a patient profile, you first need to create a patient profile (see Stethee Pro Mobile App Files Screen ) .
Sharing a patient profile is done via the “Share” button on the patient profile detailed in (see Editing a Patient Profile ) .
Before your colleague can access this profile, the patient needs to approve or reject the sharing of their profile via an email approval process. 


If the patient rejects the request, your colleague cannot view or access that patient’s profile or data.
If the patient approves the request, your colleague can:

– View all historical samples.
– Tag, add notes and change filters on samples.

Once you have shared a patient profile with your colleague and the patient has approved the initial request, you colleague has the option to share this patient profile again. This on sharing still requires patient approval.

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